Top 5 of 2015!

Where did the year go? We’re in December already and there’s just over a day to go until 2016 (and I AM NOT PREPARED), so I thought I would round up my five of my favourite books of 2015. It was a difficult decision and I have no doubt forgotten some, but here we go!

5. The Shadow Cabinet by Maureen Johnson

This is the third book in the Shades of London series, and I had been waiting for it for a long long time! The thing I love about these books is Rory, our main character, who is so funny and kind that I want her to be my friend! The plot of TSC was at times a little confusing, but it was brilliant and my ship finally got together!! (Kind of…maybe…if you have read this series you know what I’m talking about). I am so incredibly excited for the fourth book in this series to come out, even though we don’t have a release date…or title!

                                                                                   4. Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

Dangerous Girls has possibly the best plot twist I have ever read! It was incredibly unique and just so freaking amazing!! (this post appears to be the post of double exclamation marks). It is the sort of book that makes you pause after finishing it and re-evaluate everything.

3. Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender

I love books about ghosts. I love books about Paris. So it’s safe to say I adored this book! It was fun and tense and I read it in like a day, and there was great character development in Colette. My full review can be found here.

 2. The Accident Season by Moira Fowley Doyle

This book. Wow! The writing was divine, the characters were so relatable and well-constructed, the plot beautifully mixed magic with the grittier parts of life…just everything about TAS appealed to me! It is quite dark in places, though, and deals with some sensitive topics, so be warned.

Which brings me onto my number one book of the year! What do you think it is?

I’m sure that this will come as a tiny huge surprise, but my favourite book of the year is…

1. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

I am still not over the wonderfulness that is this book! I have a whole review where I talk about why I like it here, but basically it’s amazing and you should read it. (I feel like that’s been my thoughts on all of these books, but…it’s true!).

So, that’s it! My top 5 of 2015. Honourable mentions go to: A Darker Shade of Magic (my review is here), The Raven Boys series, The Game of Love and Death (review here) and The Lunar Chronicles series (reviews can be found here).This has been a great reading year for me, the year when I properly discovered bookstagram and book blogging, and I look forward to what 2016 has in store!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? What are some of your most anticipated releases of 2016?
Thanks for reading(:


Woo, my first blog post(:
Anyway, hi and welcome to my blog. Hopefully I’ll be posting quite regularly about the books I read (which are almost all YA), and other book-related things.

To start off with, I thought I’d post some bookish facts about me:

1. I’ve never read the Harry Potter series-shocking I know! I’ve seen all the films and really like them, but never got round to reading them. However, I now own the first book, and I plan on reading it before the end of the year.

2. I currently own about 240 books-I say about because there were some I forgot to count,and far too many of them are on my TBR pile!

3. When I first read City of Bones, I didn’t really like it-but now the Shadowhunter Chronicles are one of my favourite series!

4. The last book I finished was The Shadow Cabinet by Maureen Johnson-and it was excellent! I love the Shades of London series. Has anyone else read it?

5. I’m currently on an unsuccesful book-buying ban-it started in January, ended in February, and is now back on track…for now.

So, that’s it for this post! Thanks for reading(: